Lavender Essential Oil Uses for Skin Care and Health Benefits

Properties of Lavender and Lavender Essential Oil

Today, lavender is the most used essential oil in the world. Lavender essential oil is a marvellous oil which has a plethora of uses for personal and home use. Lavender oil is also used as an ingredient in many perfumes and bath products. Its most powerful use is in aromatherapy where it is used to calm the mind, relieve anxiety and induce sleep.

Lavender with its scientific name as Lavandula Officinalis originates in southern France. Main source countries for Lavender include France, England, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and China. Lavender from France Provence, England Norfolk and Australia Tasmania is of the highest quality. Lavender essential oil is extracted by distillation. Approximately 0.5kg of essential oil can be extracted from 100kg of lavender.

Lavender essential oil provides a lot of benefits to skin. It facilitates skin regeneration and scar recovery; it cleans skin and kills bacteria; it helps control oil secretion and minimizes pores. Lavender oil is most suitable for oily and acne-prone skin.

How Does Essential Oil of Lavender Work

Lavender is the most versatile and useful of all essential oils. It is made from the flowers of the lavender plant and often used in aromatherapy. Lavender is antiseptic, antibacterial, and mildly analgesic. Lavender provides various benefits to us including mental relaxation, skincare and even pest control. Molecules of lavender essential oil stimulate olfactory nerves which then transmit the stimuli to our brain. Such stimuli help regulate nervous activities and the secretion from glands. Lavender essential oil may increase metabolism after passing through our skin and enter our circulatory systems.

Top Skin Care Uses of Lavender Essential Oil

Although long employed for its fragrant smell, lavender oil also has a plethora of skin benefits. Most likely due to its antimicrobial and antioxidant characteristics, lavender essential mixed with aloe or coconut oil has profound benefits on your skin. Lavender has soothing attributes in skin care products and is one of the most widely studied essential oils. There are some very good skin care products from well known companies that contain pure lavender essential oil in their product lines. Lavender essential oil may complement your favorite shampoos, lotions and skin care products. Following are some of the benefits of lavender essential oil in skin care.

Uses for Lavender Essential Oil in Acne Removal

If you need a more soothing essential oil for fighting acne, lavender is the best essential oil for you. Lavender is one of the most valuable oils for the treatment of acne. Lavender oil can help treat acne breakouts because it has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties. This natural skin care product can be used topically to help with acne or skin irritations. Dip a little bit of Lavender oil (with a cotton bud) directly onto acne. Lavender essential oil helps soothe the redness and swollen of acne. To use lavender oil in the treatment of acne, dilute the essential oil before applying it to the skin.

Lavender Essential Oil for Wrinkles

Unprotected sun exposure, genetic predisposition, repetitive facial expressions, and overly dry skin contribute to the appearance of wrinkles on our faces. What can you do? Lavender oil (Lavandula angustifolia) has amazing anti-inflammatory properties that make it extremely beneficial for use on skin as it ages in order to help maintain appropriate circulation and elasticity. This natural skin care product helps to induce the growth of new skin tissues to make the skin more supple and prone to healthy regeneration. It also boosts the circulatory system, thus increasing the flow of oxygen and nutrients to skin cells. This results in lowering the signs of ageing such as wrinkles and fine lines. To reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, beat one egg white. Add 2-3 drops of lavender oil to the beaten egg. Apply it on your face for 20 minutes and rinse off with warm water.

Lavender Essential Oil uses as a Toner

You can make a toner at home with lavender oil. For making this natural skin care product, take 2-3 cups of witch hazel and 1/3 cup of apple vinegar and 7 drops of lavender essential oil .Mix well all ingredient together .Witch hazel is a great astringent and apple cider vinegar maintains the PH balance of your skin. And lavender oil soothes the sensitive skin. Lavender toner works perfect for the oily skin as it bleaches out the oiliness clod on the skin. This gentle purifying treatment toner effectively tones the skin and helps re-balance the pH level, without the use of alcohol or harsh detergents, leaving a fresh and clear complexion.

Lavender Essential Oil uses to Minimize Facial Pores

Lavender essential oil is a must-have in every household as it is known to make a great skin tonic that helps for new skin cells and controls sebum so the skin stays nice and supple. Add 1 to 3 drops of Lavender essential oil into water for facial cleansing. Lavender essential oil is suitable for oily skin with large facial pores. It tightens pores, controls oil secretion and whitens skin.

Lavender Essential Oil Benefits For Sunburn

Lavender oil has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, making it well-suited for natural skin-care use. Sunburns can be first or second degree burns. You can use Lavender oil for sunburns to ease the pain and heal faster. Add 2 drops of Lavender essential oil into 1ml of grape seed oil (or small amount of moisturizing gel). Apply to sunburn areas. You can also mix about 10 drops of Lavender oil with 1/2 cup of Aloe Vera gel and apply to the burned area.

Lavender Oil uses for Stretch Marks & Scarring

Essential oils have properties that can help heal stretch marks. Today, lavender essential oil (Lavandula angustilfolia), is one of the best essential oils for stretch marks, as it works miracles in knitting broken or worn out skin tissues back together. Combine lavender oil with coconut oil and massage into skin liberally. It rejuvenates the skin and it removes dead skin cells and helps to build new cells. Lavender essential oil not only helps to decrease the appearance of scars and marks you already have, but it can also help in prevention of scars too.

Lavender Essential Oil Benefit to Heal Itching

Whether from an allergic reaction, a big bite or an unknown cause, using lavender topically can help soothe skin. Not only is lavender essential oil a great mosquito repellent, it also helps to stop the itching/pain/burning that goes along with bug bites and bee stings.

Lavender Essential Oil Combat Hair Loss

Lavender essential oil is one of the best natural treatments for hair loss. It is especially helpful in Alopecia areata which is hair loss caused due to autoimmune reasons. Topical use of lavender oil might help to treat alopecia aerate, which causes a person's hair to fall out in patches. Take about 100 ml of jojoba oil. Add 8 – 10 drops of lavender oil and rosemary oil each. Mix it well. Take a small amount of this oil and massage it on the balding patches. The results will not be quick to show up. It can take 6 months for significant results to be seen.

Lavender Essential Oil Uses In Eczema Removal

Eczema can be unbearable, especially for children. Lavender oil is a potent essential oil for treating eczema. Lavender essential oil works well in combination with other essential oils, and it’s one of a very few essentials considered safe enough to apply full-strength. When applied to the skin, lavender oils have shown positive results in helping with eczema, and diaper rash. To use lavender oil as an alternative treatment for eczema, you may add several drops of lavender essential oil to a warm bath or the oil may be applied topically to affected areas. Regular usage of this oil lessens eczema outbreaks to a significant extent.

Get Rid of Dandruff using Lavender Essential Oil

Dandruff is a common problem and certainly can be embarrassing and frustrating. A good way to handle flakes is to apply lavender essential oil on your scalp. Best suits to flaky scalp, this oil works great on your scalp. Lavender oil is one of the best essential oil to treat andruff and/or psoriasis of the scalp. Rub several drops of lavender oil into the scalp to help eliminate dandruff. Lavender essential oil will calm an irritated scalp and promote hair growth.

Uses of Lavender Essential Oil In Treating Cuts

Lavender has powerful antibacterial, antiseptic, and antibiotic properties. It is commonly used to speed up the healing process of wounds, cuts, burns, and sunburns because it improves the formation of scar tissues. This makes Lavender Essential Oil a great tool for treating cuts and scrapes. Drop Lavender oil on cut to stop bleeding, clean wound, and kill bacteria. It should soothe the pain, but more importantly, it will disinfect the wound and leave it less prone to infection.

Heal Chicken Pox with Lavender Essential Oil

Chickenpox is a highly contagious viral infection. Lavender oil is an effective remedy to reduce skin irritation and itching caused by chickenpox. Sufferers of Chicken Pox will find relief in the soothing benefits of Lavender Oil and appreciate how it prevents scarring. Used topically over the area, pure lavender oil can help soothe itchy skin and promote faster recovery this viral infection.

Different Health Care Uses of Lavender Essential Oil

There are many health benefits to be found in the use of lavender essential oil. The health benefits of lavender essential oil include its ability to eliminate nervous tension, relieve pain, disinfect the scalp and skin, enhance blood circulation and treat respiratory problems.

Calm Nerves using Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender oil or lavender-infused water can help to calm nerves and cure anxiety.  Rub or spray on temples, forehead, and back of jaw to relieve stress or use as a preventative before entering a stressful environment. Add 2 to 3 drops of lavender essential oil into a tub of hot water. Enjoy a hot bath and massage your skin meanwhile. You may add 1 to 2 drops of peppermint and rose essential oil to boost your mood.

Lavender Essential Oil Benefits For Insomnia Treatment

Fortunately, Lavender essential oil can help bring relief to insomnia. By inhalation, lavender is used as aromatherapy for insomnia. Lavender oil is ideal for those who have trouble falling or staying asleep as it improves the length and quality of sleep.

Lavender Essential oil for Pain Relief

A regular massage with Lavender essential oil provides relief from pain in the joints as well as pains caused by sore muscles, tense muscles, muscular aches, rheumatism, sprains, backache and lumbago.

Lavender Essential Oil Uses In Hay Fever 

Lavender is renowned for its healing, calming and soothing properties. Rub a drop of lavender oil between your palms and inhale deeply to help alleviate the symptoms of hay fever.

Lavender Essential Oil Benefits in Digestion

Lavender oil is useful for digestion because it increases the mobility of food within the intestine. The oil also stimulates the production of gastric juices and bile, thus aiding in the treatment of indigestion, stomach pain, colic, flatulence, vomiting and diarrhea.

Earache Remedy using Lavender Essential Oil

Warm a bottle of lavender oil in hot water for a minute or two, and then gently massage a few drops into the skin around the ears and throat. For babies & small children, add 2-3 drops of the warmed oil to a little olive oil and massage in the same way.

You Can Benefit From Lavender Oil in the Treatment of Headaches

Lavender essential oil is often used to treat headache pain. Lavender Oil is a good oil to use if you are trying to alleviate a headache during the evening/nighttime hours. At first sign of a headache, rub a drop on the wrists, both temples, and the back of the neck (avoid eye area).

Lavender Oil Benefit for Hair Growth

Lavender essential oil can help your hair grow. Many people lose their hair because of a medical condition called alopecia areata. Alopecia is an autoimmune disease that causes the body to reject its hair follicles as foreign objects. Lavender essential oil is a natural product to help treat this disease. Lavender oil nourishes hair, moisturizes scalp and strands, helps prevent shedding hair, aiding in hair growth. Lavender oil aromatherapy also helps to regulate blood circulation on the scalp thus it generally also promotes healthy hair growth. Although it is used mainly for aromatherapy treatments for relaxation purpose, the oil is also used as the main ingredient in many hair beauty products commercially available in the market.

Head Lice Treatment using Lavender Essential Oil

Lice and nits do not like the smell of lavender, so massaging your scalp with the oil is an easy yet effective way to kill the irritating insects. You will want to wash the oil off after each massaging therapy, so it is good to do the treatment before shampooing.

Lice and nits do not like the smell of lavender, so massaging your scalp with the oil is an easy yet effective way to kill the irritating insects. You will want to wash the oil off after each massaging therapy, so it is good to do the treatment before shampooing.

Relieve Menstrual Cramps using Lavender Essential Oil

Do you suffer from painful, uncomfortable menstrual cramps? Massage a few drops of lavender oil into your lower abdomen or apply a hot compress onto the area, which a little lavender oil has been sprinkled.

Lavender Essential Oil For Nausea Or Motion Sickness

Nausea, vomiting and travel sickness can be helped by using essential oils, including lavender oil. To alleviate the symptoms of motion sickness, place a drop of Lavender oil on end of tongue, behind the ears or around the navel.

Questions and Answers

Can Pregnant Women Use Lavender Essential Oil

The use of lavender essential oil is always not recommended for a pregnant woman. Lavender oil should not be use during the first 14 weeks of pregnancy. Use of lavender oil may provide soothing to pregnant women from 14 to 28 weeks. Before using lavender essential oil, you should always consult your doctor first!

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